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Learn how to build sand sculptures
See Omar Djalili : Namaste Tour
Try Touch Rugby
Get baptised
Stay in a haunted house
Work on a film set
Make blueberry pancakes
Unburden my thoughts to someone
Walk to the top of the Eiffel tower
Learn about AI
Learn to invest
Get away to the countryside
Travel the world
Design something
Try straightening your hair without heat
Learn to groom a dog
Try speed climbing
Learn to wash a car

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If you like some stuff you see, you can add them to your own "stuff" simply by clicking the "Add to my stuff" button, and you can also mark stuff you like as "I like it".

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Why not add your own "stuff" too, and see if others around the globe think your ideas are cool too. Only your friends can see the stuff you want to have/ do/ try, places to go and your zaps, but your ideas are ranked anonymously, according to popularity (ie number of "Add to my stuff's" and "I like it").